# Pastebin 5iqgWJnh # a message sent to a random about jim Hi, my name is B0sh. This is my player account, so please send all messages about in game stuff here. As for the gym, its currently not in construction. I'll outline the current situation below. v1.7 is having an EV and IV system implemented. In my quest for efficiency, I want to optimize EXP first and getting OHKO level low second. The EXP formula is Level * BaseHP * 0.625. So therefore, I want to keep BaseHP as high as possible. We use CloudBlisseys because of the +12 to base HP. We also equip +20 HP only items to increase BaseHP. These increase the HP, which increases OHKO level, but a gain in EXP is more important. However, IVs are not factored in EXP, so that needs to stay low. So to decrease OHKO level as much as possible I want to have CloudBlisseys with a HP IV of 0 and a Defense IV of 0. The chance of that occurring is 0.097%, so I am not relying on that. Instead I'm looking for IVs of 4 or lower in both, which has a ~2.5% chance of happening. A CloudHappiny costs 148500 iron, 97500 silver, and 108000 gold. Statistically, it should take around 240 happinies to get 6 that I can use. We also have another 24 CloudBlisseys that are in the 1k, 2k, and 3k gym that also are going to get IV rolled. If one of those meets the criteria, we will use that for the 4k gym, and train up a new one in its place. We're still going to need around 36m iron, 24m silver, and 26m gold for more happinies. I've recently finished getting my iron pick to +50/+15, and I'm just now starting to stockpile. At the moment you can help out by buying CloudHappinys. tl;dr Not training yet, but I need ores